Financial Hardship Discounts
We are allocating a limited number of Discounted Tickets (reduced admission) per event for those of you who would like to attend our events but find it difficult to afford the full admission price because you are experiencing significant financial hardship.
Obviously life is getting more and more expensive at the moment for everyone. This is at the very least inconvenient but ultimately manageable for many of us. However, some will find it impossible now to part-take in LGBTQ+ and alternative nightlife events such as ours because of their current financial circumstances.
We think this is absolutely unacceptable!
Our events, and LGBTQ+ events in general, are likely to have a hugely beneficial impact on individual contentment, positivity, confidence, happiness and overall mental wellbeing through community, pleasure and a lived sexuality.
Sex-positive kink events like ours are enabling (or at least contributing significantly to) the social inclusion of those who might otherwise sadly be marginalised or potentially even isolated.
It is our opinion that the freedom of consensual sexual expression in a safe and non-judgemental environment such as ours and access to a like-minded LGBTQ+ community is extremely important and essential to many.
Consequently, in keeping with our company philosophy of being fiercely inclusive we would like to invite you to contact us if you would like to attend one of our events but are experiencing significant financial difficulties which are preventing you from joining us.
In such a case we respectfully request that you contact Nina and/or Aidan directly and of course in confidence via email before the event, outlining your situation alongside your request for a concession ticket.
Also, we definitely DO NOT insist on expensive / designer fetish outfits to satisfy our Dress Code. Instead we like you to be free and creative! Please check the individual event pages or our FAQ for more information.
Please bear in mind that our Concession Tickets are limited in number per event and that we will consider each enquiry individually.
Student Discounts
If you are currently a student e.g. in higher- or further education please be aware that we are offering significant Student Discounts as a standard ticketing-option.
Please indicate your student-status on the booking form on our website and contact us via email as usual. Also, please remember to bring along your current student ID on the night.
Couples & Poly Group Discounts
We offer significant disounts if you are attending any of our events as a couple. Couples are 2 people of any gender attending together. This discount also applies to Poly Groups of course.