Our Club Rules
We strongly advise that you familiarise yourselves with our CLUB RULES before attending any of our parties. If you ignore or break our rules you WILL be asked to leave. Our event & club rules can be found here.
There is no dedicated off-street parking available, however parking restrictions do not apply at the times when we hold our events. Therefore, you will normally have street-parking spaces available right in front of the venue, or alternatively in one of the surrounding side-streets.
All our events are reassuringly protected by our very own female and male professional SIA licensed (badged) security door supervisors.
Our Floor Security Stewards (Crew)
Our Crew are a truly exceptional team of highly-trained, qualified, competent and experienced guest-liaison and floor-security supervisors. They have lots of experience on the scene. If you need help with anything, or if you have questions or comments during your evening then please talk to them.
Your Arrival & Check-in
Please follow the instructions for the venue for that particular event emailed to you and our friendly security staff will let you in. Once inside, one of our Crew will check / issue your membership, take your admission (cash or card) and help get your free secure-cloak-room arrangements sorted.
Admission & Membership Fees
A paid membership is required because we are a PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB, with all its liberties as well as legal obligations. You can only attend our events if you are a BiZarre Events Club Member. Memberships are valid for 12 months and will need to be paid at your very first attendence. You automatically apply for membership (if you don't have one yet) on the same form when you RESERVE your tickets.
Space at our events is limited to around 75 guests. If you have reserved a ticket for an event we will definitely be expecting you that night. But, if for any reason you can't attend after all, please do LET US KNOW as soon as possible. That way we can pass on your ticket reservation to someone else on the waiting list for that night.
FAILING TO CANCEL YOUR RESERVATION (via Email / SMS / Phone) will result in us becoming quite cross with you. We are also likely to ignore any future reservations by you!
Free Staffed & Secure Cloakroom
Our free cloakroom is staffed by a dedicated member of our team all night. You may claim access to your checked-in belongings at any time during the event should you need it, of course.
Please also make sure that you check in your mobile phone as we DO NOT allow those inside the venue!
Dress Code
We want you to be creative and make an effort to leave the 'everyday street clothes look' outside.
We still do not have a special dress code, telling you what you must wear, but we DO EXPECT you to come up with your own look that reflects your own FETISH and your idea of what LOOKS SEXY to you and to others at the event. At the very least SHOWING LOTS OF SKIN or COMPLETE NUDITY is fine.
We definitely DO NOT insist on expensive / designer fetish outfits to satisfy our Dress Code.
So, think: all forms of sexy and kinky fetish clothing, uniforms, sexy outfits, lingerie. You could even make your own outfits and/or combinations if you want (feathers, duct tape, bandages, chains, whatever you like).
We DO EXPECT you to look interesting and APPROPRIATELY DRESSED or UNDRESSED for the occasion. Our Crew will ask you to meet this requirement!
Be creative, make an effort and have fun!
Free Drinks
We provide a very generous amount of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for FREE (beer & wine as well as soft drinks). But please feel free to also bring your own favourite drinks, BYOB. Glasses will be provided and there is a fridge.
We absolutely DO NOT allow photography or audio / visual recording of any kind at any of our events ! ! !
No Mobile Phones
You are NOT allowed to use your mobile phone inside the venue! Check your phone into our cloakroom on arrival for safe-keeping. If you need to make a phone call, you can request your phone to be returned to you FOR USE ONLY AT THE CHECK-IN DESK (or of course outside of the venue) at any time.
Showers & Toiletries
All our venues have unisex shower facilities. Toiletries and fresh towels are of course provided for free.
RSVP Information
Space at our events is always limited (to around 60-80 guests) and we usually sell out.
If you have reserved a ticket for an event we will definitely be expecting you that night. But if for any reason you can't make it please do let us know as soon as possible (that way we are able to sell your ticket to someone else that night).
FAILING TO CANCEL YOUR RSVP / RESERVATION (via Email / SMS / Phone) will result in us becoming quite cross with you. We are also likely to ignore any future reservations by you!
Our venue has a dedicated outdoor smoking area available.
Toys & Tools
For hygienic reasons we do not provide 'personal' toys and playthings, but you are very welcome to bring and use your own favorite personal toys obviously.
Free Condoms & Lube
We provide an ample supply of condoms and lube throughout the night and throughout the venue for free.
No-Illegal-Drugs Policy
We have, and enforce a 100% no-illegal-drugs policy at all our events. We will not tolerate any illegal drug possession or illegal drug use. Anyone caught with drugs or using drugs will be expelled from the premises, have their membership withdrawn and consequently banned from attending any future events. You have been warned! Our event & club rules can be found here.
'No' means 'No'
You have the right to say 'No' if you don't want to do something, or wish to stop playing at any time. You are always 100% in control of what you get involved in and what is done to / with you. Depending on the situation, a polite shake of the head or a hand signal may suffice, but if necessary simply say 'No' and that's that. By the same token, if you get a rejection, don’t take it personally. Our event & club rules can be found here.
Be Polite & Respectful
Be polite and sincerely tolerant. BiZarre Events are ALWAYS about promoting diversity in alternative night-life. Our events tend to attract a very colourful and diverse crowd from all sorts of backgrounds and 'scenes'. That's the way we like it. We genuinely invite, welcome and actively encourage members of all sexualities, genders and gender-identities to be part of our events and have fun. The same is of course also true for ethnicity, religion, age, dis/ability, nationality, etc. Our parties are explicitly non-exclusive. Our event & club rules can be found here.
Pan-Sexual / Bisexual
BiZarre Events promotes tolerance and diversity in alternative night-life. Therefore all of our adult parties are explicitly Pan-Sexual and everyone is welcome! That means that literally everyone is genuinely welcome to attend, whether straight, bi, lesbian, gay, male, female, transgender, transsexual, gender-fluid, queer, a crossdresser, single (male or female) couples of any gender/combination, or poly-groups. You are obviously NOT expected to part-take in anything you are not comfortable with, but you will definitely also see 'male-on-male action'. You are definitely not expected to do anything, except to be respectful to others (and to have a great time of course).
Night-Time Travel
We can give travel advice before your booking as well as during the night. All our London venues will be easily accessible by public transport on a 24-hour basis. If this is not the case we will state this clearly within the event listing as well as within the confirmation email we send you on booking. If you need or prefer a taxi there are telephone numbers of nearby cab companies displayed at the check-in desk. We are sometimes able to negotiate special discounted fares for our guests with certain cab firms. Any discounts, if available, are for your convenience and are passed on to you 100% of course.