COVID-19 Info
"One of the fundamental principles of the fetish scene is:
Take care of each other, look out for one another."
Dear All - over the past 18 months or so we have had a lot of time to consider how best to continue offering the exquisite events that we are famous for in the safest, most sensible and responsible manner possible.
In the interest of fairness and safety for our guests and our crew, as well as to help making sure future events can take place regularly we think it is obvious that, for the time being, making some adjustments to the way our events are operated is inevitable. What those adjustments are, above and beyond our regular operations, is explained below.
We will be explicitly following official government Health & Safety COVID-19 guidelines with regards to venue operations and door/entry policy for all of our events.
In the absence of clear official guidelines we will operate in the following manner:
Our 4,000 sq/ft venue has 2-floors and we have arranged for additional ventilation and fresh-air circulation. We have also limited our guest numbers somewhat - simply to avoid overcrowding. But don't worry, there will still be 50+ people to play with!
Our venue hygiene concept includes all 'common-sense' items you would expect in our setting, such as frequent disinfection of shared high-use surfaces, handwashing and sanitising stations throughout the venue, etc.
In order to join us at our events please be aware that we will ask you to provide proof of your current COVID-19 status. This can happen in a variety of ways.
We will ask you for evidence of either:
being fully vaccinated
(2+ weeks)
a negative Rapid Lateral Flow Test or PCR Test
(not older than 48 hours). Please register this with the NHS (Website / App).
proof of natural immunity shown by a positive PCR test result
(and following completion of the self-isolation period)
As always, we will NOT accept any 'walk-ins' without previous RSVP/Booking.
To get COVID Tests for FREE you can either order a set online or pick up a set from a local pharmacy.
Information about Rapid Lateral Flow Tests can be found here (NHS):
Order FREE Rapid Lateral Flow Tests online (NHS):
Pick up FREE Rapid Lateral Flow Tests from a local pharmacy (NHS):
Masks are NOT mandatory when you are in our venue. But of course, if you personally would prefer to wear a mask then you are also very welcome to do so, without discrimination either way.
In the interest of everyone, if you happen to feel unwell on the night then we would like to kindly ask you to not attend our event that evening. Use your good judgement. Please simply let us know that you won't be coming (email, SMS, call). In such a case we'll welcome you next month or another time instead.